Burning Rain
The Heavy Rock Group BURNING RAIN is based in Los Angeles, California and comprised of legendary Guitarist DOUG ALDRICH of WHITESNAKE and DIO fame, highly acclaimed Vocalist KEITH ST JOHN mostly known for his work with MONTROSE, (NEAL SCHON and THE SWEET), veteran Bassist SEAN MCNABB (DOKKEN, QUIET RIOT) and Drummer MATT STARR (ACE FREHLEY).
Having both FRONTIERS records and WARNER JAPAN and behind them, the bands’ up and coming 2013 release has sparked worldwide interest. With this highly anticipated 3rd release, BURNING RAIN is eager to once again step out into the live arena and make some waves in the U.S. before heading off to Europe and Japan next fall. To that end, this band of seasoned heavy hitters will be delivering some of the heaviest hits as well as a taste of the new BURNING RAIN record.